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Lasers in Dermatology

»What does the term “laser” stand for?
»What does “stimulated emission of radiation” mean?
»How is the light amplified in the laser system?
»What types of medium are used in laser systems?
»What are the special features of laser light?
»Why is monochromatic light useful?
»What is selective photothermolysis?
»What is an ablative laser?
»What is a nonablative laser?
»What is Q-switching?
»What is a fractional laser?
»How are the types of dermatologic lasers classified?
»What lasers have historic interest but are seldom used?
»What are the basic features of the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser?
»What are some uses for the standard carbon dioxide laser?
»How is the CO2 laser used for resurfacing?
»What precautions must be used with the CO2 laser?
»What are the basic features of the erbium:YAG laser?
»What are pulsed dye lasers?
»What is the flashlamp pulsed dye vascular lesion laser used to treat?
»What is nonablative resurfacing and how does a pulsed dye laser accomplish this?
»What are the disadvantages of the pulsed dye laser?
»What is an Nd:YAG laser?
»How are the long-pulsed Nd:YAG (1064-nm) lasers used?
»How are the long-pulsed KTP lasers used?
»How are the Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers used?
»What is the alexandrite laser?
»How are the alexandrite lasers used?
»What is the ruby laser?
»How are the ruby lasers used?
»What is a diode laser?
»How are the diode lasers used?
»What are nonablative fractional lasers, and for what are they used?
»What are ablative fractional lasers, and how are they used?
»What is an intense pulse light machine?
»What are IPL machines used to treat?
»Are there any risks for IPL use?
»What is radiofrequency resurfacing?
»Are there any risks with radiofrequency treatments?
»What new technologies will soon be available?


What lasers have historic interest but are seldom used?

The argon laser (488 nm, 514 nm), was one of the first dermatologic lasers. This is seldom used because of scarring issues. The krypton laser generates dual wavelengths: 520-nm (green) and 568-nm (yellow) light. The continuouswave thermal nature of the laser caused too much surface heating. Copper vapor lasers generate dual wavelengths of 511 nm (green light) and 578 nm (yellow light). These lasers are not currently used. There was a pulsed dye pigment lesion laser with a wavelength of 504 nm. This laser effectively treated surface pigmentation but was mechanically unsound and is no longer available (Table 54-2).

Table 54-2. Lasers of Historic Interest Only
488 nm, 512 nm
520 nm, 568 nm
Copper vapor
511 nm, 578 nm
Pulsed pigment
504 nm
Mechanical nightmare