What is an acquired digital fibrokeratoma?

Typical acquired digital fibrokeratoma demonstrating an exophytic firm papule with a hyperkeratotic collarette.
Fig. 43.3 Typical acquired digital fibrokeratoma demonstrating an exophytic firm papule with a hyperkeratotic collarette.
These solitary, firm, hyperkeratotic papules most commonly occur around interphalangeal joints but may occur on any site of the hands or feet. They are typically pedunculated and often demonstrate a collarette of hyperkeratosis at the base (Fig. 43-3). Often, they are mistaken clinically for warts or supernumerary digits. Histologically, they demonstrate overlying hyperkeratosis and thickened collagen bundles.

Baykal C, Buyukbabani N, Yazganoglu KD, Saglik E: Acquired digital fibrokeratoma, Cutis 79:129–132, 2007.