Fig. 36.6 Xanthelasma. Characteristic flat yellowish papules of the upper eyelid. (Courtesy of the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center teaching files). |
Xanthelasma (palpebra) are distinctive yellowish plaques on the eyelids and around the eyes caused by cholesterol deposition within the skin (Fig. 36-6). Although people with xanthelasma may have normal total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, they often have more subtle lipid abnormalities associated with high cardiovascular risk and deposition of cholesterol within blood vessels. As opposed to other xanthomas, treatment of xanthelasma with surgical excision is often successful.
Elabjer B, Busic M, Sekelj S, Kristovijevic E:
Operative treatment of large periocular xanthelasma, Orbit 28:16–19, 2009.