Describe the “two-pajamas treatment.” One especially effective method for applying topical antiinflammatory medications under occlusion to areas of widespread dermatitis is known as the “two-pajamas treatment” (a type of wet-to-dry dressing especially suited for young children). - At bedtime, take two pairs of cotton pajamas and soak one pair in warm water.
- Apply a mild- or moderate-strength corticosteroid to involved skin immediately after bathing.
- Don the wet (wrung-out) pajamas.
- Put the dry pair on top of the wet pair and wear while sleeping.
- Upon waking, remove pajamas, bathe, apply moisturizers, and get dressed.
- Modify this therapy as the “two-socks,” “two-gloves,” “two-caps,” “two-shirts,” or “two-pants” treatment as the distribution of lesions dictates.