List the high-risk groups for developing melanoma.- Persons with a persistently changing nevus
- Persons with FDMS
- Persons with CDKN2A mutations
- Persons with large numbers of atypical nevi
- Persons with >50 benign nevi or a large congential nevus
- Persons with a past medical history of melanoma or a family history of melanoma in a first-degree relative
• Persons with xeroderma pigmentosum
MacKie RM, Hauschild A, Eggermont AM: Epidemiology of invasive cutaneous melanoma, Ann Oncol 20(Suppl 6):vi1–vi7, 2009.
Meyle KD, Guldberg P: Genetic risk factors for melanoma, Hum Genet 126:499–510, 2009.