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Bacterial Infections

»Which bacterium is the most common cause of skin infections?
»What kinds of skin infections does Staphylococcus aureus produce?
»Is Staphylococcus aureus the only bacterium that causes impetigo?
»What does staphylococcal impetigo look like?
»Why is staphylococcal impetigo frequently bullous?
»How is bullous impetigo diagnosed?
»How is bullous impetigo treated?
»What is the difference between a furuncle and a carbuncle?
»How do furuncles present?
»What is the best way to treat furuncles?
»Why do some patients develop recurrent staphylococcal impetigo or recurrent furunculosis?
»How is staphylococcal carriage eliminated?
»What is staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome?
»Describe the presentation of toxic shock syndrome.
»Why is S. aureus frequently found in secondary infections of dermatitis and wounds?
»What is MRSA?
»What is the difference between HA-MRSA and CA-MRSA?
»What types of cutaneous infections are produced by b-hemolytic streptococci?
»How does streptococcal impetigo present?
»What is ecthyma?
»What is blistering distal dactylitis?
»What is erysipelas?
»How do you diagnose erysipelas?
»How is erysipelas treated?
»Describe the cutaneous manifestations of Lyme disease.
»A patient living in an endemic area for Lyme disease reports a history of a tick bite. Should that patient receive antibiotic prophylaxis?
»What types of skin infections does Pseudomonas aeruginosa produce?
»How does ecthyma gangrenosum differ from ecthyma?
»Where do you usually acquire Pseudomonas folliculitis?
»How does Pseudomonas folliculitis present?
»What is the best treatment for Pseudomonas folliculitis?
»How is Wood’s light used in diagnosing Pseudomonas infections?
»What causes tularemia? Where did the name tularemia come from?
»Describe the skin lesions of tularemia.
»How should tularemia be treated?
»What is trichomycosis axillaris?


Describe the skin lesions of tularemia.

Tularemia. Patient with history of deerfly bite on thigh while fishing in New Mexico. The patient has an eschar at the bite site and a suppurative lymph node in the groin.  (Courtesy of the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center teaching files.)
Fig. 27.12 Tularemia. Patient with history of deerfly bite on thigh while fishing in New Mexico. The patient has an eschar at the bite site and a suppurative lymph node in the groin. (Courtesy of the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center teaching files.)
Tularemia has six presentations: ulceroglandular, glandular, oculoglandular, oropharyngeal, typhoidal, and pneumonic forms. The ulceroglandular form is the most common presentation and the one that typically demonstrates skin lesions. The primary skin lesion begins as a small papule at the inoculation site that rapidly necroses. The papule may be surrounded by an area of cellulitis and is characteristically associated with painful regional lymphadenopathy (Fig. 27-12). Systemic symptoms include fever, chills, headache, and malaise.