
Indications for the internal remedies are:
Graphites. - Frequent recurrence of styes, ulcerations of the margins of the lids; biting lachrymation.

Lycopod. - Styes on lids near internal canthus.

Pulsatilla. - More in affections of lower lids, conjunctiva injected, agglutination of lids in the morning; much swelling of lids; burning, drawing pain, worse evenings, in warm room, and in a cold draft, better in fresh air; catarrhal states tending to suppuration.

Staphisagria. - Affection of both lids, especially the upper ones; consequences of nervous exhaustion, the affection does not spread to the surrounding tissues; shooting, lancinating pains or tearing, mostly in paroxysms, worse during night; new ones form continually and leave small hard nodules at the tarsal edge.