
The following ointments are sometimes useful:
For the itching, the prescription mentioned to lichen planus, or,
One of the following internal remedies will generally be indicated:
Alumina. - Red pimples on the face. Pimples on the neck and back. Intolerable itching of the whole body, especially when becoming heated in bed.
Ammon. mur. - Pimples on the back of the hands desquamating next day.
Anatherium. - Red pimples with itching and burning. Scarlet skin with burning.
Antimon. crud. - Small red pimples on right shoulder. From digestive derangement.
Arsen. alb. - In chronic cases with burning itching.
Belladonna. - Papular eruption on the hands like lichen agrius.
Bovista. - Red pimples on the foot.
Bryonia. - Pimples on the abdomen and hips.
Castanea vesca. - Several small pimples on the right thigh, back of the left ear, and on the left upper lip.

- Pimples on the mons veneries. Soreness of pimples to the touch.
Kreosote. - Forehead covered with pimples the size of millet seeds.
Ledutn. - Small pimples like red millet seeds over the whole body. In brandy drinkers.
Mercurius. - Pimples on the labia. Voluptuous itching. Itching changes to burning by scratching.
Nabulus serp. - Pimples on the face about the nose, upper lip and chest with itching.
Natrum carb. - Pimples on the face and lips. White pimples on the nose.
Nux juglans. - Red pimples on the face and neck. Pricking itching.
Plantago. - Hard white flattened isolated papules on the inside of the thigh. Some papules have a red point in the center.
Phytolacca. - Pimples with itching on the left leg. Worse first part of the night.
Rumex crisp. - Red pimples on calves of the legs, with itching worse immediately after undressing.
Sepia. - Pimples close together on the face. Pimples on the legs, and in the bends of the joints.
Sulphur. - Pimples on inner parts of the thighs. In simple cases.
Sulph. iod. - Red pimples on the nose, chin and arms.
Tilia. - Eruption of small red, rather deeply seated pimples, with violent itching and burning like fire after scratching.