Erythema Ab Igne

Figure 3.46 A: Vitiligo (Courtesy of Dr. Paul Getz) B: Melasma (Courtesy of Dr. Paul Getz) C: Erythema ab igne (Courtesy of Dr. Sophie M. Worobec)
Figure 3.46
A: Vitiligo
(Courtesy of Dr. Paul Getz)
B: Melasma
(Courtesy of Dr. Paul Getz)
C: Erythema ab igne
(Courtesy of Dr. Sophie M.
(Figure 3.46C)
  • Reticulated hyperpigmentation due to chronic exposure to infrared radiation (laptop computer, heating pad, etc.)
  • Presents with reticulated erythema which over time becomes hyperpigmented, ± bullae, ± hyperkeratosis
  • Treatment: remove heat source, anecdotal treatment with 5-FU

Table 3-25 Nutritional Deficiencies
 DeficiencyClinical FindingsOther
Water Soluble
Vitamin C
(Figure 3.47D)

Follicular hyperkatosis, corkscrew hairs, perifollicular hemorrhage, petechiae, epistaxis, gingivitis, delayed wound healing, hemorrhage (intramuscular/intraarticular)
Fxn: role in collagen/ground substance formation and enzymatic processes

Misc : deficiency in alcoholics, fad diets, malnutrition
Vitamin B1

Glossitis, peripheral neuropathy (‘dry’ beriberi), congestive heart failure (‘wet’ beriberi), Korsakoff’s syndrome, Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Fxn: coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism and role in formation of glucose

Misc : deficiency with polished rice diet, alcoholics, GI diseases, hyperthyroidism, prolonged diarrhea, malnutrition
Vitamin B2

Angular cheilitis; atrophic, sore, magenta-colored tongue; seborrheic dermatitis-like changes (nose, mouth, eyes), genital dermatitis, photophobia, conjunctivitis
Fxn: energy production, enzyme function, normal fatty acid and amino acid synthesis, reproduction of glutathione

Misc : deficiency with celiac sprue, alcoholics, poor nutrition
Vitamin B3
(Niacin or nicotinic acid) (Figure 3.47A)

3Ds: dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia Photosensitive eruption on face, neck, and upper chest (Casal’s necklace), angular cheilitis, stomatitis, perianal dermatitis, diarrhea, disorientation and coma
Fxn: involved in reduction-oxidation reactions; tryptophan precursor amino acid

Misc : deficiency associated with diet of entirely corn, alcoholics, use of isoniazid (INH), chronic colitis or diarrhea, carcinoid syndrome
Vitamin B6
Seborrheic dermatitis-like periorificial eruption, atrophic glossitis, angular cheilitis, conjunctivitis, dementia, peripheral neuropathy
Fxn: role in amino acid and fatty acid metabolism

Misc : deficiency associated with cirrhosis, uremia, medications (INH), malnutrition
Vitamin B12
(Figure 3.47B)
Generalized hyperpigmentation, megaloblastic anemia, glossitis (bright red atrophic tongue), paresthesias, peripheral neuropathy, irritability; ↑↑ body stores so may take years to develop symptoms
Fxn: role in DNA synthesis and neurologic function

Misc : deficiency associated with GI abnormalities (pernicious anemia) and malabsorption, strict vegetarianism
Folic acid
Diffuse hyperpigmentation (patchy), cheilitis, glossitis and megaloblastic anemia similar to changes with B 12 deficiency
Fxn : involved in DNA synthesis

Misc : deficiency associated with elderly patients, drugs (methotrexate), malnutrition
Similar to zinc deficiency symptoms: periorificial eruption, conjunctivitis, depression, paresthesias, alopecia, seizures
Fxn : essential cofactor for several carboxylases

Misc : acquired or inherited; deficiency seen w/ ingestion of raw egg whites (avidin binds biotin), short gut or malabsorption
Fat Soluble
Vitamin A

Keratotic follicular papules (resembling keratosis pilaris), xerosis, night blindness, Bitot’s spots (foamy white spots on conjunctiva), keratomalacia, and changes in bone tissue
Fxn: req’d for normal keratinization of epithelial tissue, controls protein expression

Work-up : check serum retinol (vit. A) level

Misc : excess vitamin A levels have symptoms similar to synthetic retinoid therapy (alopecia, cheilitis, xerosis)
Vitamin D
Alopecia (no other skin manifestations); rickets (children) and osteomalacia (adults)
Fxn: regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism

Misc : synthesized in skin

UVB + 7-dehydrocholesterol → Vit D3
Vitamin K
Impairment of coagulation cascade with prolonged PT; purpura, ecchymoses, hemorrhage
Fxn: necessary to synthesize coagulation factors (II, VII, IX, X) and protein C and S

Misc : deficiency with liver disease, malabsorption, cystic fibrosis, biliary disease, drugs (warfarin, cephalosporins, salicylates)
dehydrocholesterol (epidermal) absorbs UVB → vitamin D 3 (cholecalciferol) → hydroxylated by liver, forms 25-(OH)D 3 → hydroxylated by kidney, forms 1, 25-(OH) 2 D 3 (calcitriol, active form)
Essential fatty acids (EFA)

{EFA: unsaturated fatty acids; includes linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acid (latter also metabolized from linoleic acid)}
Dry scaly almost leathery skin, poor wound healing, capillary fragility, increased infections, diffuse alopecia, failure to thrive
Fxn : serve as precursor to prostaglandins, enzyme storage and proper lamellar granule formation

Misc : body cannot synthesize unsaturated FAs so must be obtained from diet; deficiency with TPN, malnutrition, aggressively low fat diets
Pallor, koilonychia (spoon-shaped nails), glossitis, angular cheilitis, pruritus, fatigue, alopecia (telogen effluvium)
Fxn : transport of oxygen (hemoglobin), integral to several enzyme reactions

Misc : iron absorption from proximal small intestine; deficiency with decreased intake, excessive loss as with bleeding
(Figure 3.47C)
Seborrheic dermatitis-like eruption in periorificial and perianal areas; periorificial and acral bullae; angular cheilitis, diarrhea, alopecia, poor wound healing, mental disturbances
Fxn : critical role in metalloenzymes involved in synthesis/degradation of lipids, nucleic acid and protein

Misc : inherited or acquired (alcoholics, malabsorption, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic renal failure)
Dry, wrinkled and hyperpigmented skin, ↓ subcutaneous fat, thin hair, ↑ lanugo hair, ‘monkey facies’ or aged appearance, purpura
Due to prolonged deficiency of both protein and calories
Edema (characteristic potbelly), dry hair with red-tinge, ± ‘flag sign’, superficial desquamation, pallor, dyschromia, petechiae
Protein deficiency, normal caloric intake

‘Flag sign’: bands of light color alternating with normal darker hair color